Public utilities are the backbone of any successful city. Without them, cities wouldn’t be able to provide their citizens with electricity, gas, water, and other utilities. The Tacoma Public Utilities (TPU) operate as a public power company in the city of Tacoma. They are responsible for dam construction, providing water to the city, managing wastewater treatment plants and stormwater management systems, and much more. TPU also operates Tacoma Power Plant which provides electricity for about 67% of Tacoma residents.

The plant is located on the south end of downtown near Skyview High School where it has been in operation since 1946. In addition to power production, TPU operates a hydroelectric system on Grays Harbor that provides an additional 50% of the city’s power needs. The public utility industry is always evolving with new innovations such as renewable energy sources and electric cars coming out at a quicker rate than ever before. Here are some ways you can take advantage of these innovations by becoming involved with your.

Tacoma Public Utilities is a valuable utility in Tacoma, Washington. This article will explore the ins and outs of how Tacoma Public Utilities operates to provide their customers with power that is clean, safe, reliable, and affordable. We will discuss how the company has multiple subsidiaries to offer various services for the people of Tacoma. Additionally, we will discuss their energy-efficiency efforts and what makes them a sustainable company. The goal of this article is to help you understand the operations of Tacoma Public Utilities so you can make an informed decision about what they are able to offer as your utility company in your area.

The History of Tacoma Public Utilities

Tacoma Public Utilities is the largest water and wastewater utility in the state of Washington. They have been providing residents with clean and healthy water since 1903. They are also a leader in innovation and sustainability. Tacoma Public Utilities provides their customers with an array of services, including: wastewater treatment, distribution, water supply, water quality analysis, stormwater management, and more. In addition to providing these services to the people of Tacoma, they also provide a number of educational opportunities for adults and children alike. While this company is still growing, it doesn’t mean that there aren’t ways that you can help support their goals for the future. In this blog post we’ll be exploring how Tacoma Public Utilities operates today as well as what you could do to work with them in order to continue building this brand into something even greater!

Tacoma Public Utilities: How They Operate.

Tacoma Public Utilities is the largest provider of water, sewage, and drainage services in Tacoma. They provide these services to over 350,000 customers in the city of Tacoma and surrounding areas. The company has evolved from a small public utility to one of the largest providers of water, sewage, and drainage services in America.

This article will go through the history of this company and discuss how they are able to provide quality service despite their size. This will be done by going into detail about what each department does as well as why they do it that way. In addition, we’ll discuss how they have a diverse workforce because they operate without regard to gender or race.

Tacoma Public Utilities is truly a force to be reckoned with when it comes to providing quality services while staying progressive at the same time. From their beginning in 1891 up until now, they’ve made many changes but have always stayed true to their mission: “To serve our community for 100 years and

The Water and Sewage Departments

Water and Sewage is the largest department within Tacoma Public Utilities. This department works to provide clean, safe and reliable water services to over 350,000 people in the metro area.

The Water and Sewage Department manages several different parts of the system including, but not limited to, water treatment plants, distribution, collection systems, and customer service. They work to provide safe drinking water for residents and businesses in Metro Tacoma as well as maintain an efficient wastewater management system.

The Water and Sewage Department is run by a General Manager who is assisted by a Deputy General Manager who reports directly to the General Manager. This helps with accountability in the company due to the direct reporting structure. There’s also an Assistant General Manager who works in coordination with the Waste Management Department on their part of the utility’s operations.

The Drainage Department

The drainage department is the core of the Public Utilities department. It does two main things: keeping our city, businesses, and properties dry when there are heavy rains, and cleaning up wastewater to make it suitable for release into Puget Sound. The drainage department provides 48 million gallons of water each day to help prevent flooding in local neighborhoods.

It’s also important to know that they have a diverse workforce. In fact, they have a large number of women on board who are experts in their field! They also have people who are professionals with something called “Disability Manager Certification” which means they can identify disabilities and provide access accordingly.

All these departments work together so that Tacoma Public Utilities is able to provide quality service without compromising on anything.

Tacoma Public Utilities is truly a force to be reckoned with when it comes to providing quality services while staying progressive at the same time. From their beginning in 1891 up until now, they’ve made many changes but have always stayed true to their mission: “To serve our community for 100 years and one day”

Diversity in the Workforce

One of the cornerstones of Tacoma Public Utilities is that they operate without regard to gender or race. This is important because it shows that they are committed to giving all people equal opportunity regardless of any other factor. As a result, they are able to provide quality service and offer a diverse workforce that can help keep their company competitive in the marketplace.

Some of the main ways in which these goals have been achieved include hiring an unintegrated workforce with no regard for gender or race as well as continually recruiting new employees through various avenues. In addition, the company offers a number of programs and opportunities for employees, such as tuition assistance, health insurance, sick leave, and more. As a result, Tacoma Public Utilities is able to remain progressive and provide quality services while also ensuring that its workforce is diverse.


Tacoma Public Utilities is a large, complex public utility company that operates within Tacoma, Washington. The company provides water and sewage services, oversees drainage and wastewater treatment, and manages electric and natural gas distribution.

TPU is a large, complex public utility company that operates within Tacoma, Washington, providing water and sewage services, overseeing drainage and wastewater treatment, and managing electric and natural gas distribution.