Money trees are a popular feng shui element that brings good luck and abundance. These plants are believed to bring prosperity, so they’re often used in homes or offices as a way to bring that positive energy.
If you want to grow your own money tree, there are many different types of plants you can choose from. Some have different meanings, such as the pandanus plant, which is commonly called the money tree because its leaves resemble cash, or red twig dogwoods, which have red branches that resemble gold bars.
Whether you have an empty corner in your home or office where the feng shui recommends placing this plant or you just like the idea of having one in your house, here’s what you need to know about taking care of it properly.

The Easiest Way To Care for Your Money Tree Plant

With their lush green leaves and imposing stature, money tree plants are an impressive addition to your home or office. Native to humid regions in the Americas, money trees (Pachira aquatica) thrive when you give them the right amount of light, humidity, and temperature. These flowering plants are excellent for newbies who want something that won’t be too taxing on their time. Money trees require little maintenance, but they do need some special care to remain healthy indoors. If you’re thinking about adding a money tree plant to your home or office, continue reading for more information. The article will answer all of your questions about how to care for this beautiful indoor plant so it continues thriving for many years ahead.


First, let’s look at light. The money tree is a tropical plant that is accustomed to receiving bright light year round. Because the plant grows tall, however, you may need to provide support if the leaves start drooping. You can do this with a plant stand or hooks placed behind the pot to hold it up. With the proper light, your money tree will remain lush and green year-round. In fact, you may need to trim it from time to time if it begins to grow too tall or leggy. When placing the money tree in a window, avoid direct sunlight. Instead, place it in an area where it receives partial sun or indirect light. Similarly, avoid placing it in a spot where it will receive no light at all. Also, be aware that the plant will need to have time to adjust to indoor light after being in direct sunlight outdoors. Be patient as it adjusts, but also be sure not to leave the plant in a place where it doesn’t receive any light at all. Instead, gradually transition it to an indoor environment. This will help the plant adjust more quickly.


Next, let’s discuss watering. The money tree is a low-maintenance plant that can survive on infrequent watering. The soil, however, needs to be moist at all times. You can tell if the soil is moist enough by poking your finger a few inches into the dirt. If it feels moist, then it’s not necessary to water. If the soil feels dry, it’s time to water the plant. You can use a watering can or a water wand to give it a thorough watering. Avoid watering the leaves, especially if you are using a watering can. You can also use a soilless potting mix, which requires less frequent watering than soil.


Next, let’s discuss fertilising. The money tree is not a picky plant, and it doesn’t have many specific fertiliser requirements. It can be fertilised with a general-purpose, water-soluble fertiliser like Peters Professional Hydro-Organic Nutrients. You can also choose a water-soluble liquid plant food that is specific to indoor plants. When fertilising the money tree, be sure to follow the instructions on the packaging. Generally, you’ll want to mix the fertiliser into the water before you water the plant. Also, be careful not to over-fertilise the plant; it can actually be harmful. You can also choose slow-release or time-release fertilisers that can be applied directly to the soil.

Air Circulation

Next, let’s discuss air circulation. The money tree can grow up to three feet tall. It also produces large leaves that can overlap each other. These traits make it important to provide good air circulation around the plant. You can accomplish this by placing the plant in an area of the house that gets plenty of circulation. You can also place the plant near an open window. Another option is to place the plant on an open-air shelf or table. If you place the plant on a table, be sure that there is enough space for the leaves to dangle without falling off the table. If you place the plant on a table where the leaves are in danger of falling off, you can use a tablecloth to help contain them.

How to Care for a Money Tree Plant

Next, let’s discuss how to care for a money tree plant. As we’ve discussed, the money tree is a tropical plant. It needs to be kept warm and humid at all times. If you place it in a window where the temperature is below 60 degrees, you’ll need to provide it with a heating pad. Be sure to place the pad on the bottom of the pot; you don’t want the plant to sit directly on it. It’s also important to provide the plant with plenty of light. If you have it in a window, be mindful that leaves can be damaged by frost. You can also place the money tree in a sunny area indoors. Because the plant is a tropical species, it thrives in humid conditions. The ideal humidity level is between 50 and 70 percent. You can use a hygrometer to measure the relative humidity in your home. If the humidity level is too low, you can humidify the area with a humidifier or by using a tray of water.


Next, let’s discuss repotting. The money tree is a tropical plant that is accustomed to growing in soil that is rich in nutrients. If you use a soilless potting mix, though, the soil will lose its nutrients over time. This will result in wilting leaves and stunted growth. You will need to repot the plant every one to two years. Choose a pot that is one to two inches larger than the current pot. You can also place the money tree in a large container or a hanging basket. When you repot the plant, make sure that the roots are not tangled. You can do this by gently pulling the plant out of its current pot. Don’t pull too hard, though, or you might damage the roots. When you repot the money tree, make sure to remove the old soil. You can also add some new soil to provide the plant with fresh nutrients.


The money tree plant is an impressive species that thrives when you give it the right amount of light, humidity, and temperature. These tropical plants require little maintenance, but they do need some special care to remain healthy indoors. First, you’ll want to provide the plant with the right amount of light. You can also choose a soilless potting mix that requires less frequent watering. To help provide good air circulation, place the plant near an open window or on an open-air shelf. Finally, you’ll need to repot the plant every one to two years to provide it with fresh nutrients.