Hi Teacher and academic instructor, are you faced with low performance amongst your students? Do you want to increase the academic performance rate of your students? After careful and thorough research, I came up with this article on 10+ proven strategy in improving students academic performance.  I assure you that if you practice these ideas, there will be a drastic positive change in your classroom.

10+Proven Strategy in Improving Students Academic Performance

Below is the 10+ proven strategy in improving students academic performance.

  1. Encourage your students to be positive.

I want to emphasize how essential it is for your students to have a positive mind before you start teaching.  As a teacher, you need to water their minds; this can be achieved through affirming and encouraging words.

  1. Encourage Questions from your students

It is important you employ the learner based technique while teaching. Avoid the temptation of being the sole speaker in the classroom. By giving your students the opportunity to ask questions, you will tend to know their area of confusion and know where to major. This, of course, will increase their performance in the classroom.

  1. Utilize different learning interests

As a teacher, you must know how to utilize the students different interests. Some students are auditory learners, while some are visual and some are audio-visual learners. To cater for all their interest, you can explore different learning modes like using tech learning aids like videotapes (for audio learners) and augmented reality maps and graphics (for visual learners) and 3D animation and movies (for the three-class of learners)

  1. Encourage Independent Reading

A proven strategy to improving students academic performance in your students is to encourage them to study independently. Don’t always be the one talking. For example, in a history class, you can divide the topics among the students, and everyone takes turns to discuss their topics. All you have to do is watch and evaluate them. This will help boost their confidence and memory retention rate.

  1. Be Specific In Your Praise

Praise is one thing that motivates someone to do or aim higher, and this is no different for the students’. When a student scores a “B”, please don’t criticize him; praise him for their little effort. This will motivate them to do better next time.

  1. Formulate An Organized Plan

As a teacher who is determined to improve students’ academic performance, one proven technique is to plan for a private one-on-one conversation with your students before a school year begins. This will help you know and understand their strengths and weakness and with this knowledge, you can know how to draft out the scheme of work in relation to the national syllabus and meet their needs.

  1. Encourage Note-Taking

Research has proven that note-taking helps students to relate better when reading the notes later. It would help if you encouraged your students to take notes. Tell them why they need to take note and the importance. Also, you can consult their notes as a form of evaluation.

  1. Treat Every Student Equally

Avoid showing high-level favoritism to a particular person in the classroom. This will make other students feel bad, and because of this, they may not want to learn and, as such affecting their academic performance. Give all students equal opportunities to present, carry out class activities and ask questions.

  1. Involve in Extracurricular activities

Research has proven that students who engage in extracurricular activities like sports have higher brain retention abilities than students who don’t. This is a sure proven strategy for improving students academic performance and to ensure permanent lessons. You can start by dedicating a day, probably Friday, to sports and other outdoor learning activities.

  1. Set High Expectations

Another great strategy in improving students academic performance is to set high expectations for all your students.

Students with average or below average to be encouraged to hit an above-average or average score.  It is your responsibility to boost their confidence and tell them that every student possesses skills that will help them succeed in life even if they are unaware of those skills or haven’t helped their grades.

Assure them that you will work with them to discover and improve those skills. Be clear that you will insist on high expectations from every one of them throughout the school year.

  1. Maintain Your Composure

You should note that not all students will agree with your analysis of their work as well as your advice and feedback. Arguing with them is highly counterproductive and unprofessional.

Instead of arguing with them, you can say something like, “respect your opinion. You could be correct, but my opinion is based on 10 years of teaching and working with hundreds of students. That may not make me right, but I believe my opinion is valid and rich from years of experience.”

  1. Proffer advice on how to improve

Lastly, one of the most effective ways of improving students academic performance is by giving constructive criticism in a friendly manner. For example, you can tell a student your grammar is good, but you can improve your spelling. In this way, the student will be motivated to improve better at spellings.


The above 10+ proven strategy for improving student’s academic performance is a sure imprint for teacher fulfillment if well followed. For successive teaching experience is dependent on satisfying learners academic performance.