The first thing that you need to know about Starbucks Drive Thru is that you can order through the speaker. This is great for busy mornings and days when you don’t have time to go inside. The second thing that you need to know is the secret. Janna, the barista, will take your order while she makes it and hand it over via voice command. This way, you don’t even have to stop at a window! You’ll be able to get your drink in no time at all!

Starbucks Drive Thru

To most people, Starbucks is an everyday destination. There’s no shortage of coffeehouses in their area, so they frequent a particular one in order to have a quick pick-me-up. But Starbucks is more than just a regular coffeehouse. It’s an experience. It’s the perfect place to spend time with friends and catch up on work, or unwind after a long day at work. With all of these perks, it can be hard for some people to not just walk into Starbucks without ordering anything as soon as they go through the door. In order to avoid ordering too much when you’re there, follow these steps and save some money!

The Starbucks drive thru is one of the most popular features at Starbucks. It’s always open, no matter what time you go to get your coffee. Sometimes, it can be a little difficult to navigate on your own though. The line moves quickly, so you have to know how to order at the drive thru in order to avoid wasting your precious time and money. In this article, I will show you how to order at the Starbucks drive thru without ever getting out of your car!

Ordering at Starbucks Drive Thru Tips:

1. Do not use the speaker in your car. The speaker only helps those inside the vehicle hear their orders clearly; it does not assist those outside the car in hearing their orders clearly as well.

2. Turn off all unnecessary radio stations unless they are playing music from local artists or tracks from an artist that is currently playing on their speakers

3. Make sure you have all of your items clearly visible and easy to find while driving.

The Secret to Ordering at Starbucks Drive Thru

First, go to your car and make sure you are in a good spot. Choose your order and decide what size drink you want. Then, when the Starbucks drive thru window comes into view, pull up to the window. Keep your car’s headlights on and follow these simple steps:

-The person at the window will ask for what size drink you want -In response, say “small iced coffee.” (This is the most common order)

-The person will then ask what size drink you want -Say “tall iced coffee.” If there are no large tall iced coffees available, say “decaf tall iced coffee.”

-The person will then ask if you want anything else from their menu -Say “no thank you,” even if it’s not on their menu or if they don’t have it. They’ll take that as a no so that they can give someone else their orders first.

-After receiving your orders, say thank you and pull forward to the next window

Wait Time for ordering

The average wait time for ordering at the Starbucks drive thru is about four minutes. So, if you’re in a hurry, you should ideally order a few items at once so that your wait time will be shorter.

Ordering Tip:

If you want to speed up your order, try ordering online and avoid lineups at the store by making your purchases in advance. You can also call ahead to place your order on hold and pick it up when you get there.

How to order your drink

1. Pull over to the right and park in a parking space

2. Turn off your car

3. Open your door and wait for someone to approach you

4. Speak clearly, “I need a Venti, iced coffee with whole milk and two Splenda packets.”

5. Wait for the drinker to reply with their order

6. Repeat steps 1-5 until your order is complete

7. Close your door

8. Drive away

What does the barista see in the window of your car?

At the drive thru, you can see the barista through the window at all times. Therefore, it’s always easy to know who is behind you and what they are doing.

If you want to avoid waiting in long lines, it’s important that your car is visible to them. This will allow them to serve you quickly and efficiently.

Can you tip a Starbucks barista?

You read that correctly, you can tip a Starbucks barista. They are not automatically tipped at the end of your coffee run. If you are looking for a little extra in your latte to make your coffee experience more enjoyable, tell your barista “thank you” when they serve you and pay them with cash.

To learn how to order at the Starbucks drive thru without ever getting out of your car, keep reading!

Ordering at Starbucks Drive Thru Tips:

1. Do not use the speaker in your car. The speaker only helps those inside the vehicle hear their orders clearly; it does not assist those outside the car in hearing their orders clearly as well.

2. Turn off all unnecessary radio stations unless they are playing music from local artists or tracks from an artist that is currently playing on their speakers

3. Make sure you have all of your items clearly visible and easy to find while driving.