Sedation Dentistry: Why It’s Important and How It Works

Sedation dentistry is a type of dental care that uses medication to help patients relax during dental procedures. Learn about sedation dentists near you with our free search tool. it also offers patients the opportunity to minimize their discomfort during general dental visits. Learn more about this option here.

What Is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is a special type of dental care that combines sedation and anesthesia.

Different than the general anesthesia used for general dentistry, in sedation dentistry you receive a very low dose of anesthetic and no general anesthesia is used.

To perform dental sedation, a dentist or anesthesiologist administers medication that puts patients to sleep.

At no time is a person paralyzed or awake.

What’s The Difference Between Sedation Dentistry And General Anesthesia?

Sedation dentistry is not the same as general anesthesia, even though many dentists will say they are the same.

General anesthesia will put you under. It may take several minutes for the anesthetist to monitor your breathing and brain activity.

How Does It Work?

Sedation dentistry involves providing patients with medication, such as a numbing agent or medication that causes drowsiness, to help patients tolerate dental procedures more easily and safely.

How Is It Applied?

All the medications used to sedate patients are very carefully designed to make sure that the dentists can safely place the medication into the patient’s bloodstream while avoiding overdosing. In addition to the medications, the sedation dentists often use gas anesthesia. Gas anesthesia is administered through a surgical mask.

The gas that the dentist applies in a dental patient’s mask emits carbon dioxide gas, which then activates an anaesthetic in the blood.

How Long Does It Last?

Several weeks.

How Safe Is It? Approximately 95% of the time.

How Much Does It Cost? Doesn’t cost anything.

What Does It Cost? Doesn’t cost anything.

What Can I Expect?

Expect to experience peace of mind and be in and out of the dentist’s chair in minutes. Your dentist will explain the risks of anesthesia, show you what’s happening during your procedure, and, if necessary, give you an opportunity to stop it.

Getting Treatments at Dentist Near You

Sedation dentistry is usually used to treat dental problems like a bad toothache, other dental discomfort, mouth pain, or sensitive teeth. In addition, the sedative drugs can be used for more severe dental problems, like root canals, extractions, and dental implants. These procedures also sometimes require anesthesia.

Who Should Consider Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is beneficial for adults who don’t tolerate traditional general dental procedures. In addition, it is useful for:

Treatment of serious dental problems

Patients who don’t understand how to handle typical dental procedures

People who have problems with movement

People with conditions such as glaucoma, epilepsy, or nerve damage

Non-Sedation Dentistry

Non-sedation dentistry uses various methods to manage pain. It is typically performed by an experienced dentist, such as a periodontist. For example, it may include:

Periodontal fillings: These take care of loose or missing teeth. They usually involve injecting a liquid into a patient’s gums to repair a periodontal wound or a cavity.

Advantages of Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry helps improve patient’s patient experience and satisfaction. It is also considered an alternative to general anesthesia when dental procedures such as removal of wisdom teeth, sealants, and dentures are scheduled. Most sedation dentists use nitrous oxide as the anesthesia in their dental procedures. Nitrous oxide is often used as a dental aid because it does not take effect immediately and is easy to use. It also helps patients remain calm and relaxed. Unlike other types of anesthesia, nitrous oxide does not affect other major organs and is safe for use in patients younger than 18 years of age.

Disadvantages of Sedation Dentistry

Not everyone will benefit from sedation dentistry. If you are not in good health or have a history of health issues, you may want to avoid this option. Other potential patients should consider it if they have a limited amount of time or are nervous about dental procedures. If you have a bad reaction to anesthesia or have allergic reactions to certain medications, you may be better off with a treatment plan that doesn’t rely on sedation dentistry. A sedated patient may also experience the negative effects of the drug.

What’s the typical treatment length for sedated dental patients? According to patients from the University of Florida College of Dentistry, many sedated patients require care every 6 months. Others stay sedated for the entire procedure.


Sedation dentistry: an injection of medication during a dental procedure to help ease pain or lessen fear, minimize discomfort for the patient and increase their awareness of what is taking place.

Understanding Sedation Dentistry

Treating pain by using sedation has become increasingly more popular, especially for patients who may be sensitive to pain. In this article, we take a look at some of the reasons why a dentist might use sedation during a dental procedure and what different sedation types entail.

The Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry is a common method for treating pain and making the dental experience a little easier on the patient.

Sedation dentists can give patients other types of treatments as well.

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