Nigeria Civil Defence Salary Structure | The Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps (NSCDC) is a paramilitary agency and it is empowered by lay Act No 2 of 2003 and the Act was amended on the 4ht of June, 2007

The Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps was established  during the Obasanjo civilian regime to provide required safety measures against any form of disaster, attack or threat against the citizens of Nigeria.  They too are in possession of guns, just like the other members of the armed forces.

The Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps also have ranks like that of the Nigerian military and the police.  They too have chains of command. The lowest rank is that of the Assistant Cadet, while the highest rank is that of the Commandant General.  They too have both commissioned and

The lowest rank is that of the Assistant Cadet, while the highest rank is that of the Commandant General.  They too have both commissioned and non-commissioned officers. They have both the Cadre and the Superintendent Cadre.

The salary structure of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps is based on the level of the ranking of the individual officer, just as it obtains in virtually all military and paramilitary organizations in Nigeria.  The salary is also based on the certificate with which the individual is given

The salary is also based on the certificate with which the individual is given an appointment.  If the individual is a graduate, he is placed at Level 8. An HND holder, on the other hand, is placed on Level 7. If the individual is a medical doctor, he is placed on level 12. A lawyer, on the other hand, is placed on level 9. A master’s degree holder too is placed on level 9.

An officer of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps on level 8 step 1 would belong to the Assistant Superintendent cadre and such an individual is paid up to N121,000 per month. An Inspectorate Cadre placed on Level 7, on the other hand, is paid about N69,000 per month.

The hierarchical structure of the ranks obtainable in Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps are listed below from the highest rank to the lowest rank.

  • Commandant General is on level 8
  • Deputy commandant General is on level 17
  • Assistant Commandant General is on level 16
  • Chief Commander is on level 15
  • Deputy Commander is on level 14
  • Assistant Commander is on level 13
  • Chief Superintendent Cadre is on level 12
  • Superintendent Cadre is on level 11
  • Deputy Superintendent Cadre is on level 10
  • Assistant Superintendent Cadre I is on level 9
  • Assistant Superintendent Cadre II is on level 8
  • Inspectorate Cadre is between levels 6 and 12.
  • Assistant Cadre is from level 3 to 5. This is the lowest cadre in the Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps.

Employment opportunity

The Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps do make an announcement once in a while when employment opportunities are open for the general public to apply. All the applications now take place online and all required documents are also submitted online. There is no job opening presently. However, you will be informed on this page when such job opening is available. The basic qualification is that the individual applying must be a Nigerian citizen.

NSCDC Salary scale

If you’re interested in working with the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Commission (NSCDC), one of the questions you may have asked is how much do they pay their officers?

You’ll find out about this in the course of this article but before you do, let’s find out what this organization is all about.

The NSCDC is a para-military agency of the Nigerian Government. The commission is basically set up to protect against any form of attack or disaster against the country.

The Corps is statutorily empowered to institute legal proceedings on any one that has been suspected to have committed an offence. Also, the corps maintains an armed squad in order to bear fire arms which assist them in the discharge of their statutory duties.

Established in 1967, the NSCDC was created in response to the Nigerian civil war which had just begun at that time. The goal of this newly-formed organization was to sensitize and protect the civil populace. At that time, it was known as the Lagos Civil Defence Committee.

This committee would later evolve in to the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps in 1970.

At inception, the objectives of the Corps was to facilitate some educational and enlightenment campaigns in and around Lagos which was at that time the Federal Capital Territory.

The members of the Committee deemed it as a duty to educate the public through electronic and print media on how to guide themselves during air raids, bomb attacks. The masses were also taught how to identify bombs and how to dive into trenches during mishaps like bomb blast.

See also:

However, the Corps became a national security outfit in 1984 and by 1988; they had gone through massive restructuring leading to the establishment of State Commands throughout the Federation as well as the Federal Capital Territory which is Abuja.

Furthermore in 2003, the Corps was given additional statutory functions which was passed in to law by the then President, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo.

Presently, the vision of the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Commission is to put to work efficiency, humility and integrity in service delivery with a fresh zeal; bring credibility into concept of security.

The mission of the MSCDC is to develop the strutctures and training strategies that would contribute to the national security by using modern technology with a focus on broad based information networking as a means of monitoring movement.

The salary structure is based on the ranking of the officer. Usually, graduates are placed on level 8 while the HND holders are placed on level 7. However, medical doctors on level 12 while masters degree holders are placed on level 9. As a result, the salary is similar to what is obtained at the Federal Civil Service.

Below is a list of the ranks and the commensurate civil service level.

Assistant Cadre: Level 3 to 5

Inspectorate Cadre: Level 6 to 12

Assistant Superintendent Cadre II (ASC): Level 8

Assistant Superintendent Cadre I (ASC): Level 9

Deputy Superintendent Cadre (DSC): Level 10

Superintendent Cadre (SC): Level 11

Chief Superintendent Cadre (CSC): Level 12

Assistant Commander (AC): Level 13

Deputy Commander (DC): Level 14

Chief Commander (CC): Level 15

Assistant Commandant General (ACG): Level 16

Deputy Commandant General (DCG): Level 17

Commandant General CG (The highest rank in the NSCDC): Level 18

Based on these grade levels, the salary of an officer with NSCDC on level 8 step 1 (Assistant Superintendent Cadre) is estimated at N115000 per month while for the Inspectorate Cadre on level 7, the salary is estimated at N69000 per month.