Midwifery is a vital medical skill that can save lives. It’s essential to have a great midwifery program because midwives play an important role in the care of pregnant women and their children. In addition, good midwifery programs offer students unique training opportunities that can lead to careers in the medical field. To find the best midwifery schools in the world, check out our top 10 list.

Top 10 Midwifery Schools in the World in 2022

Midwifery is one of the most important medical fields in the world. It’s a field that has been around for centuries, and it’s changing rapidly. Midwifery education is growing in popularity, and there are now many amazing midwifery schools available to students all over the world. In this blog post, we’re going to take a closer look at some of the best midwifery schools in the world.

Who is a Midwife?

Midwives are the professionals who help mothers and babies during childbirth. They provide care in the home, in the hospital, and on the open road. They work with families to deliver healthy children and protect their safety. Midwives are essential to the development of any society, and they play an important role in helping ensure that every child has a chance at a good life.

Related: How to Become a Midwife

So, midwives are certified health professionals involved during all stages of a woman’s pregnancy, labor and early postnatal period. Midwives may deliver babies at birthing centers or even at home, but most can also deliver babies at a hospital.

However, midwifery is a separate profession from nursing, although there is a shortened training route for registered adult nurses. They can also be assisted by maternity support workers and are responsible for supervising them.

Actually, the typical duties of a midwife include:

  • examining and monitoring pregnant women
  • assessing care requirements and writing care plans
  • undertaking antenatal care in hospitals, homes and GP practices
  • carrying out screening tests
  • providing information, emotional support and reassurance to women and their partners
  • taking patient samples, pulses, temperatures, and blood pressures
  • caring for and assisting women in labour
  • monitoring and administering medication, injections, and intravenous infusions during labour
  • monitoring the fetus during labour
  • advising about and supporting parents in the daily care of their newborn babies
  • helping parents to cope with miscarriage, termination, stillbirth and neonatal death
  • writing records
  • tutoring student midwives
  • identifying high-risk pregnancies

How long will it take to study Midwifery?

Actually, a typical curriculum for a bachelor’s degree in midwifery takes four (4) years to cover, one year of nursing experience, and three years in a nurse-midwifery program. Well, students that attend school full-time and are successful with their classes can expect to graduate in 8 years.

Also, entry requirements for midwifery degree courses and degree apprenticeships might vary because each university and employer sets its own criteria, but you are likely to need three A-levels or equivalent level 3 qualifications, plus supporting GCSEs.

Of course, entry is really competitive, so aim for very high grades at A-level (or equivalent qualifications at level 3). Courses often specify preferred or essential subjects, such as at least one science, like biology, or social science subject.

How much does a Midwife earn? | Salary

Actually, according to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average pay for Certified Nurse-Midwives(CNMs) in the United States was $113,930 in 2018.

Also, salaries for other related careers to midwifery were as follows:

Nurse anesthetists $167,950
Nurse practitioners 107,030
Nurse-midwives 103,770

The Bureau of Labor Statistics does not keep data for Certified Professional Midwives(CPMs), but the Midwifery Education Accreditation Council reports that CPMs charge $2000 to $4000 per birth, depending on location and experience, and that a busy solo practice can expect to can attend to two to four births per month.

What is the job growth for Midwifery?

However, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics expects the number of midwife positions to grow by as much as 26 percent from 2018 to 2028, much faster than the average for all occupations.

Employment growth will also vary by occupation. However, because nurse midwives is a small occupation, the fast growth will result in only about 1,000 new jobs over the 10-year period.

Read: How to Become a Midwife

Where Can I work as a Midwife?

As a Nurse-midwife, you can work in hospitals, physicians’ offices, or birthing centers, and new graduates can seek work in these locations.

Midwives often make valuable professional connections through their clinical experiences, possibly earning a job offer or advice on job openings in the field.

How much does it cost to study Midwifery?

Most certified nurse midwife programs list tuition costs by credits offered. On average, nurse-midwifery students enrolled in either a Master of Nursing(MSN) or Doctor of Nursing Practice(DNP) program can expect to pay somewhere around $500-$700 per credit, though this can vary based on school and location.

Are there any certification or licensure requirements to Become a Midwife?

Each midwifery path results in certification through a certifying agency. Certified Nures-Midwives (CNMs) and Certified Midwives(CMs) are certified by the American Midwifery Certification Board, and CPMs are certified through the North American Registry of Midwives.

Both certifying organizations are accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies. To be certified, CNMs and CMs must graduate from an accredited nurse-midwifery or midwifery program.

CPMs can also earn certification by completing an accredited program, but they may earn certification by passing a portfolio evaluation process.

In addition to certification, most states require midwives to have a license to practice, but the licensure requirements for midwives vary by state.

To become certified or licensed, CNMs must have a current registered nursing license, complete an accredited nurse-midwifery program, and pass a national board licensing exam given by the American Midwifery Certification Board.

Recognition and licensing of CPMs vary by state. So, most states require CPMs to obtain a license to practice, while in other states licensure is voluntary.

Why Study Midwifery?

If you have read to this extent, then really a career in midwifery will certainly suit you for your patience and passion.

Because nobody gets into the midwifery business without a passion for helping women and ushering babies into the world. It is something so beautiful and natural that it is easy to feel a calling for it.

I mean, you would be happy being part of this vital process of life, experiencing the pure joy that comes with the sound of a newborn baby crying and covered in blood.

Also, life can be boring when you do the same job at the same place, day in and day out. However, with midwifery, your location changes constantly. You are able to move from house to house, catching a glimpse of the lives of the people you work with. You also get a better understanding of the people that you get to share these intimate moments with.

Furthermore, midwives get to call their own shots. In most countries, they are considered highly trained medical professionals with the autonomy to govern themselves. This does not mean that midwives isolate themselves from other nurses or medical professionals. This autonomy allows midwives to keep their unspoken contract with society by keeping current on medical best practices, high-quality care for mother and child, and following a strict code of ethics.

Best Midwifery Schools in the World

#1. Midwives College of Utah

According to wiki, the Midwives College of Utah, formerly the Utah School of Midwifery, is an institution of direct-entry midwifery training that has its headquarter in Salt Lake City, Utah but offers all programs completely online. Founded in 1980, it is one of the largest and longest-standing direct-entry (out-of-hospital) midwifery programs in the nation.

Furthermore, Midwives College of Utah offers two midwifery degree programs: a Bachelor of Science in Midwifery (BSM), and a Master of Science in Midwifery (MSM). The degree programs are accredited by the Midwifery Education Accreditation Council (MEAC) which is an independent, nonprofit organization recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as an accrediting agency of direct-entry midwifery institutions and programs.

Postpartum doula and childbirth education certification is also available through the college along with continuing education courses for doulas, midwives, health professionals, and community members.

Furthermore, it has an acceptance rate of 100% and a graduation rate of N/A. Also, the student-faculty ratio is 6:1. This high acceptance rate and quality student-faculty ratio help MCUtah to rank as one of the best midwifery colleges in the world. Their tuition fee is $43,560.

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#2. Vanderbilt University

Founded in 1873, Vanderbilt University’s School of Nursing offers advanced practice nursing specialties to suit varied professional interests and personal learning styles.

Vanderbilt University offers 3 graduate programs in midwifery, namely: Master of Nursing Program, Doctor of Nursing Practice, and Ph.D. in Nursing Science. They also issue post-Masters’ certificates and Postdoctoral programs that avail midwives the opportunity to extend knowledge in their research areas, as well as to conduct successful interdisciplinary research projects.

Thus, this top midwifery college has an acceptance rate of 9.6% and the graduation rate 92.9%. Also, it has a student-faculty ratio of 7:1. The tuition fee is $50,800.

Accreditation: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC)

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#3. Stony Brook University

Stony Brook is not just a wonderful school, but a pillar of life and learning in Long Island and the state of New York. While Stony Brook began as a university for teachers in 1957, during the following six decades, the university has become a center for great research and development and constantly appeals to some of the best people in the field of medicine.

However, Stony Brook’s medicine provides not only research and learning, but also community health care, and in general, the University represents nearly seven and a half-billion dollars in economic impacts on Long Island.

Thus, Stony Brooks has an acceptance rate of 40.7% and a graduation rate of 68.6%. Similarly, the student-faculty ratio is 18:1. However, this midwifery school has a tuition fee of about $8,999.

Accreditation: Middle States Commission on Higher Education

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#4. Old Dominion University

The Old Dominion University was founded in 1930 as an extension of the William and Mary College campus. It is also the leading public research university. Of course, ODU has largely exceeded its assets, with a growing demand to make the university one of the largest universities in Virginia and a comprehensive research university.

ODU has made a name especially in online education and distance education in recent years and has become a great option for medical professionals who are thinking about a possible future in the academic world and in research, as well as in the commercial aspect of the profession. This is also one of the best Midwifery schools.

Furthermore, it has an acceptance rate of 84.6% and a graduation rate of 51.7%. Also, the student-faculty ratio is 17:1 while the tuition fee is $5,340

Accreditation: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges

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#5. University of Michigan

UMich is a public research university in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The university is Michigan’s oldest; it was founded in 1817 in Detroit.

The study of Nurse-Midwifery at the University of Michigan starts with a solid foundation in primary care and builds up to the care for pregnancies, childbirths, and newborns.

Some course examples include Antepartum Care of Essentially Normal Women, Care of the Childbearing Woman, and Intrapartum/Postpartum and Newborn Care.

Also, the University of Michigan, being one of the best schools for midwifery has an acceptance rate of 28.6% and a graduation rate of 91%. Similarly, the student-faculty ratio is 15:1. Though, this school has a tuition fee of $15,558.

Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission (HLC)

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#6. University of Southampton

The MSc in Midwifery with Advanced Standing at the University of Southampton is aimed at qualified practicing Nurses in the NHS who wish to become qualified Midwives. It takes two years to study on a full-time basis and is not open to international students.

Thus, the University of Southampton has an acceptance rate of 80% and a graduation rate of N/A. Similarly, the student-faculty ratio is 13.5. This institution has a tuition fee of £9,561 for UK and EU students

Accreditation: Privy Council

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#7. King’s College London 

King’s College London offers a graduate program in Midwifery that gives you the opportunity to influence an area of current practice, using the latest clinical evidence to suggest changes to improve the quality of service.

Here, you’ll develop your critical thinking and analytical skills while learning how to use new research to support your clinical role.

Some courses are aimed at registered nurses to become registered midwives. Other courses are aimed at midwives who wish to improve their skills, understanding and management abilities and these courses are usually studied on part-time basis.

However, this midwifery college in London has an acceptance rate of 13% and the Freshman retention rate is 73%. Also, the student-faculty ratio is N/A.

Finally, the tuition fee is £9,250 for UK/EU students per year.

Accreditation: Middle States Commission on Higher Education.

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#8. Catholic University of Sacred Heart

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (English: Catholic University of the Sacred Heart), known as UCSC or Cattolica, is an Italian private research university founded in 1921.

Their college of Nursing offers over 10 undergraduate and graduate degree programs in Nurse-midwifery.

Furthermore, it has an acceptance rate of 60% with 84.0% of students making it past their freshman year. Also, the student-faculty ratio is 13:1 while the annual tuition and fees cost $43,070.

Accreditation: Italian Ministry of Education

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#9. University of Minnesota

The full-time, three-year Midwifery program offered at the University of Minnesota will require a Bachelor of Science in Nursing or a Professional Master’s in Nursing prior to admission. Accredited by the ACME, students start with four days of on-campus course work, which increases with time.

Students will also cover a variety of topics, including evidence-based practice, informatics, and economics. Many of these courses will be available through the Center for Spirituality and Healing, which takes an integrative and holistic approach to women’s health.

‘Upon successful completion of the midwifery course of study, graduates are eligible to take the American Midwifery Certification Board (AMCB) national certification examination’.

Acceptance Rate: 44% Graduation Rate: 78.4%

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#10.University of Washington

To help students already established as advanced practicing nurses, the University of Washington offers a graduate certificate in Nurse-Midwifery. The curriculum of the degree is thorough and consistent ‘with the requirements for nurse-midwifery preparation as defined in the American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM) Core Competencies for Basic Midwifery Practice’.

Classes are taught from a holistic approach covering a wide range of topics, from patient education in nutrition and breastfeeding, to the use of pain medications as well as epidurals during labor. Students are also taught to be sensitive to cultural preferences.

Upon graduation, students will be prepared to sit for the American Midwifery Certification Board exam. So, current practicing midwives at the University of Washington, work at the Northwest Hospital’s Childbirth Center.

Thus, the University of Washington has an acceptance rate of 45.3% and a graduation rate of 83.9%. Similarly, the student-faculty ratio is 19:1. Well, this best Midwifery school has a tuition fee of $11,445.

Accreditation: Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU)

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What are the best schools for Midwifery Online?

Working nurses who want to advance to a career as a midwife can look to online and hybrid programs. Also, getting your degree online can also help make you more relatable to the women you’re helping as a midwife.

So, here are a few online midwifery schools that offer the best programs:

  •  University of Minnesota
  •  James Madison University
  •  University of Colorado
  •   University of Washington
  •  Georgetown University

What Are The best midwifery schools in the US?

Even here in the U.S, we have some of the best midwifery schools in the world. they include:

  •  University of Washington
  •  University of Minnesota
  •  University of Michigan
  •  Midwives College of Utah
  •  Old Dominion University


Actually, midwifery is the care and services provided by midwives, the medical professionals who support women and their families during pregnancy, birth, and recovery, ensuring that both mother and baby are healthy.

However, once you study midwifery at the undergraduate level, you’ll learn the basic midwifery sciences, basic health skills, midwifery care, ethics, and law, as well as other additional modules that will aid your professional development.