How to Optimize Your Resume to “Beat the Bots”

The job search can be a beautiful thing. It’s filled with potential, and opportunities. But if you don’t take care of your resume, it can become a disappointment. You see, the job search has never been more competitive. In the current climate, where personal branding is as important as ever, many high-level professionals are demanding agile and results-oriented candidates who value commitment over opportunity. Make sure that pages 3 through 10 of your resume tell a good story about why you’re the right person for the job. It might not be as glamorous as Hollywood would have you believe, but this should be as easy as can be.

Your resume is an important piece of your job search. If you can include a strong resume with a strong application letter attached, the job search will be much more pleasant and less stressful. Even if you don’t get the job interview offer you want, your resume will give you an edge over other job seekers who didn’t share the same qualifications as you did.
In this article, we discuss what a perfect resume should look like, as well as some ways to make yours shine even brighter than the competition.

How to Optimize Your Resume for the Top Jobs in America

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The best way to a successful career is to achieve your goals and never let go of your dreams. But sometimes we hit a snafu and can’t quite seem to land the job we want. Or maybe our skills aren’t as in demand as we thought. In any case, it’s time to properly prepare for interviews. And one of the many things you need to do is put together a great resume. A great resume shows potential employers that you have valuable experience that they can and should take into consideration when looking for new jobs. It also shows them that you are someone who is actively looking for work, not just some jobseeker ready to fall back on what they know. The best way to get started on crafting the perfect resume? Keep reading this article!

How to Create a Great Resume

The first step to creating a great resume is to clearly define your core skills. The best way to go about this is to write a detailed resume that highlights your strengths and demonstrates your key skills. Then, think about what companies will want to see on your resume, and what information you will want to include on your resume. To create a great resume, you need to focus on showcasing your skills and what you can do best. Even if you aren’t looking for a new job, you should still focus on showing potential employers that you have the skills they are looking for. Don’t worry if this article makes you a little stressed out because the process of creating a great resume is slightly daunting. But don’t worry because the results will be worth it!

Define Your Favorite Skills

When it comes to your resume, you want to choose the skills that you are most interested in showcasing. For example, if you are a web developer, it would be a good idea to focus your resume on showing off your programming skills. If you aren’t sure where to begin when it comes to outlining your skills, you can always start with this list of 25+ skills that every job seeker should list on their resume. Once you have a list of skills that you especially want to showcase, it’s time to look into how to do that. There are many ways to go about this including writing down each task you complete, using websites to document your skills, and even writing down what you don’t know but would like to learn.

Show, don’t just tell, with your resume

It’s important to put your best foot forward when it comes to your resume. This means that you want to make sure that each section of your resume is relevant and correct. There are a few ways to go about this including using the “so far as you know” method. In this method, you leave room for uncertainty because you don’t know anything “officially” until someone states it. In other words, this method leaves room for interpretation which is good when it comes to resumes because everyone’s interpretation will be different. However, when it comes to your resume, you don’t want any room for misinterpretation. Your best bet is to use examples from your past jobs that show you worked in your area of expertise. By showing employers that you know your way around a computer, for example, you are emphasizing your programming skills.

Find a Company That YouBelong At

It’s important to choose a company that you can truly call home. This means that you want to choose a company that you have a genuine interest in working for. There are many ways to go about this including doing your due diligence by researching the company and its employees. You want to make sure that you are choosing the right company because your experience there will greatly affect the way in which you progress in your career. It’s important to choose a company that you are excited to work for and that you can see yourself growing and thriving in. After all, this is your career and you want it to be everything that you want it to be!

Don’t Forget About the Phone Interview

The best way to ensure that you put your best foot forward when it comes to your phone interview is to make sure that you are on the same page as the person who is interviewing you. If you are purchasing a house and the prospective homeowner is putting in a bid, for example, and then that same homeowner phones you up to ask you about your house, it would be odd for you to say “no” to the question. In fact, you would probably feel more comfortable and at ease with that answer than you would be if you were in a face-to-face meeting. The same goes for phone interviews. Make sure that you are relaxed, comfortable with what you are saying, and knowledgeable about the topic at hand when you are on the phone. When it comes to your phone interview, you do not want to be shy or hesitant. You want to be clear and straightforward with your answers.


The best way to a successful career is to achieve your goals and never let go of your dreams. But sometimes we hit a snafu and can’t quite seem to land the job we want. Or maybe our skills aren’t as in demand as we thought. In any case, it’s time to properly prepare for interviews. And one of the many things you need to do is put together a great resume. A great resume shows potential employers that you have valuable experience that they can and should take into consideration when looking for new jobs. It also shows them that you are someone who is actively looking for work, not just some jobseeker ready to fall back on what they know.

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