Have you ever wondered why do hair bumps appear on our skin and how can we get rid of them? Hair bumps are small pimple-like growths that develop on the skin.
They look like small pimples with tiny black or red dots on them. These red or black dots are actually hairs that are growing out of your skin in a small cluster.
These hair bumps are caused by friction, irritation, and pressure on your skin. There are many reasons why you might develop these hair bumps, including friction from tight clothing, acne-prone skin, sweat from overheated rooms, oily skin, goosebumps from cold weather, ingrown hairs, and more.
If you have unwanted hair bumps on your face and body then read this article to learn about home remedies to get rid of them once and for all.
Hair bumps are small and harmless lumps that appear on the hair shaft, mostly on the back of the neck. They can be itchy and uncomfortable, but they’re not dangerous and won’t cause any permanent change in your hair.
Hair bumps can be embarrassing at times and make you conscious about yourself. If you don’t like how the bumps look on you, there are some things that you can do to get rid of them once and for all. Here is a list of home remedies to help you get rid of hair bumps once and for all.
What Are Hair Bumps?
Hair bumps are common skin conditions that affect the hair follicles. They can grow on any part of the body where you have hair follicles.
Hair bumps may also be called sebaceous hyperplasia, sebaceous cysts, keratosis pilaris, or folliculitis. The exact cause of hair bumps isn’t known, but experts believe that they can develop due to a build-up of dead skin cells, excess sebum (oil), and bacteria on the hair follicle.
Hair bumps are harmless, but sometimes, they can be unsightly and embarrassing. They tend to appear on the back of the arms and legs, upper back, face, and upper arms.
How To Get Rid Of Hair Bumps?
There are several ways to get rid of hair bumps, including exfoliating, using certain products and home remedies. If you have mild bumps on your skin, you don’t have to get rid of them.
But, if they are itchy or painful, you must get rid of them before they leave a mark on your skin. Here are a few things you can do to get rid of hair bumps on your skin:
Exfoliate your skin regularly – This will help you clear your skin of dead skin cells and excess sebum. Exfoliation is one of the best home remedies to get rid of hair bumps.
Use tea tree oil – This oil is known for its antibacterial properties. Regular application of tea tree oil on your skin can help treat hair bumps.
Use lemon juice – The citric acid present in lemon juice can help treat hair bumps. Mix equal parts of lemon juice and water and apply the solution on your skin. Leave it on for about 20 minutes.
Use olive oil – Applying olive oil on your skin can help get rid of hair bumps. Leave it on for about 30 minutes and then wash it off. You can also mix equal parts of olive oil and lemon juice to make a potent solution that can get rid of hair bumps.
Use banana and egg yolk together – Both banana and egg yolk are rich in antioxidants, which can help get rid of hair bumps. Mix banana, egg yolk and a few drops of lemon juice.
Apply the above-mentioned mixture on your skin. Leave it on for about 15 minutes and then wash it off. These are a few home remedies that you can try to get rid of hair bumps on your skin.
Hair bumps are common skin conditions that affect the hair follicles. They can grow on any part of the body where you have hair follicles.
The exact cause of hair bumps isn’t known, but experts believe that they can develop due to a build-up of dead skin cells, excess sebum (oil), and bacteria on the hair follicle.
There are several ways to get rid of hair bumps, including exfoliating, using certain products and home remedies. Exfoliating regularly, using tea tree oil, lemon juice and olive oil can help treat hair bumps. You can also use banana and egg yolk to get rid of hair bumps on your skin.