How iCopify Elevates Guest Posting to a Whole New Level?

Copying and pasting from one blog or website to another is one of the most rudimentary aspects of online sharing. Whether you’re skimming a news article or linking to a relevant post in a forum, the general idea is the same. Every now and again, a new way of doing things may catch your eye, but that rarely happens when you copy and paste.


iCopify Reviews - 2022


It’s the most basic of tasks that everyone does every day, but it’s also one of the most irritating as well. How can we make this process easier, more efficient, and more enjoyable? The answer lies in the world of social media and the concept of iCopify. Read on to find out more about this innovative way of elevating guest posting.

You know those days when you think, “I wish there was a better way to get my blog posts read?” Well, that’s how you should feel about guest posts at almost every publishing outlet.

The truth is, content marketing is an ever-evolving field, and there’s no such thing as a successful blog post. If your blog post isn’t getting the traction you want, then you need to be more strategic about how you publish content. Even with a complete overhaul of your content marketing strategy and all the latest tools, it’s still likely that you won’t see the results you’re looking for.

But, this doesn’t mean you can’t expect any more than a shrug from others. Your readership might not be growing as fast as you’d like, and that’s okay. It’s time to shake things up and raise the bar.
If you’re ready to elevate your content marketing game, you’ll want to read on. Here are some tips to help you up your guest posting game.

How iCopify Elevates Guest Posting to a Whole New Level

Guest blogging is one of the most effective ways for brands to build their audience and generate quality backlinks. In fact, a recent study found that only 15% of business leaders see content marketing as a way to grow business.

That’s why it’s no surprise that more and more brands are turning to guest blogging to expand their reach. Even so, most brands are doing it the same way. They’re just not getting the best results.

The standard way of guest posting is to provide an article for a third-party site and ask them to publish it.

This strategy is time-consuming, and it doesn’t give you much opportunity to stand out. Fortunately, there is a better way.

If you’re looking for ways to elevate your guest posting strategy and generate the most leads for your business, keep reading.

Find Guest Posting Partners

The first step in any guest blogging strategy is finding partners. Here’s how to go about this step:

– Start with niche-specific sites that are related to your business. Start with sites within your own niche or the niche of your target audience.

– Next, search for relevant sites that are similar to yours. Look for sites that focus on the same topics, but are from a different niche.

– Once you’ve identified your target niche sites, go through the descriptions of their posts and look for the authors who publish guest posts.

– Contact them via email or DM, and let them know that you’d love to publish an article for them on your blog.

– Make sure you are exclusive with them and don’t post any other guest posts around the same time.

– After you have published your first guest post, look for partners again. Repeat this process until you have built a list of partners.

Create a Strong Call to Action

Another major pitfall that brands are making with guest blogging is the bad call to action.

The call to action is the part of your guest post that you want your partners to take. It tells them why they should publish on your blog.

Here are some examples:

– “We are looking to build our audience and publish great content. Would you be interested in sharing your content with our readers?”

– “We’re looking to grow our readership and would love to publish your post on our blog.”

– “We’re looking to bring new traffic to our website. Would you be interested in sharing your post on our blog?”

It’s important to make your call to action clear and concise. You want to make sure your partners know exactly what they need to do to publish on your blog.

Develop a Strong Hook

A great way to build interest in your host post is to create a hook.

A hook is a story that makes your readers curious, and it often leads to a call to action.

It’s a short sentence or sentence fragment that gets your readers interested. A great hook is what brings people to guest post in the first place. Let’s use a guest post for example. If I were the guest writer, the first thing I would do is brainstorm and write a hook. A hook is a sentence or two that will help me get people to want to post on my site.

I would want to know what your thought process is when it comes to creating a hook.

Build Out a strong Editorial Calendar

One of the most important aspects of guest blogging is the editorial calendar.

You need to publish a minimum of three guest posts per month. This should be on three to four different sites.

Keep in mind that the most successful brands are publishing between five and seven guest posts per month.

This is because it gives them ample opportunity to grow their audience.

Guest posting is a very time-consuming and resource-intensive process. It’s important to invest in the process so that you can get the best results.

Establish a Contact Network

The best way to get leads from your guest posting efforts is to build a close contact network.

This will help you get in touch with your partners in a timely fashion. It will also give you the chance to ask for recurring content so that you can grow your network faster.

There are many ways you can build a contact network. You can start with cold-calling businesses, reaching out to authors on social media platforms, or attending conferences.

Bottom line

The best way for brands to build their audience and generate quality backlinks is by engaging with their audience. This can be done by creating great content, hosting events, and offering special deals.

The most effective way to boost your guest blogging efforts is to elevate your strategy by adding reader engagement strategies.

These strategies include incentivizing readers, incentivizing hosts, and creating push notifications.

In order for these strategies to work their best, you need to have a solid editorial calendar, good hook, and strong call to action.

This will enable you to create an engaging post that drives traffic to your site through the use of reader engagement strategies.

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