You see that blue light in your eyewear? Don’t let it stop you from wearing quality eye wear. Blue light can be good for you. In fact, it’s one of the most beneficial types of light to your eyes. While blue light isn’t exactly the same as a standard amount of blue light, it is enough to cause our eyes to absorb and store blue light more efficiently than other colors.
This article explains how using a pair of special glasses can help you avoid damaging your eyes from exposure to blue light, and whether these glasses are actually effective at doing so.

Don’t just take our word for it — check out what some of our customers have to say about blue light glasses. The majority of people don’t know that they can actually impact their health by wearing blue light-blocking eyeglasses. In fact, most people are aware that they need to wear corrective lenses if they wear certain types of eyeglasses, like reading glasses. But do you know why?
Research shows that people who wear blue light-blocking glasses for more than two hours per day are more than twice as likely to develop age-related cataracts as those who do not wear the same type of eyewear.
Besides, studies also suggest that regular use of blue light-blocking glasses may be associated with higher rates of macular degeneration and headaches. So how much do you know about the health benefits of wearing them? Let’s find out!

Do Blue Light Glasses Work? We Tested and Here’s the Results!

Do Blue Light Glasses Work? - Best School News

It’s that time of year when we all start getting our “Blue Light Glasses” on (or, as we like to call it, the Winter Haze). After a few months of sleeping in rooms with artificial lighting and blue light from TVs, computers and smartphones, people start to feel the effects. Their pupils constrict and their eyes begin to get dry and uncomfortable. And for some people, their reaction is much more severe than others. For some people the change in color vision causes them to experience headaches or other side effects. For others it causes them to develop night-blindness or chronic fatigue. But for many others it’s simply unpleasant and they stop wearing Blue Light Glasses until Spring time. So what are these glasses, why do they work and how can you use them safely? Let’s take a look at what Blue Light Glasses are and how they work before you buy your next pair!

What Are Blue Light Glasses?

Blue light glasses are contact lenses that block out the blue light from digital devices, televisions, computers and more. The light is converted into a low-energy infrared light so it’s less harmful to your eyes than the blue light from traditional light bulbs. Blue light glasses are designed to be worn 24/7 and are often sold in pairs.

Why Does Blue Light Work?

The idea behind blue light glasses is that by blocking out the blue light from digital devices, televisions, computers and more you can reduce the amount of light in your eyes. This can improve your vision, help with sleep and reduce the risk of developing eye disease. Blocking out the blue light from digital devices, televisions, computers and more can help reduce the amount of light entering your eyes and causing a build-up of bacteria in your eyes. This can reduce the chance of developing eye infections, bacterial eye diseases and even90% of cancers that are caused by light.

The Problem With Blue Light

The blue light coming from these devices is not harmless. It comes from lights that are often given off by electronics and other electronic devices. For example, computer screens, smart phones, laptops, tablets etc. As you wear the blue light glasses, the amount of light entering your eyes will decrease. So, while the blue light from these devices is reduced, it’s not gone. This means you’ll still experience the same amount of light sensitivity whether you’re wearing the blue light glasses or not. This also means that you can’t just put on the blue light glasses and ignore your computer monitor or TV! You have to wear the blue light glasses whenever you’re near these devices. So, for example, if you’re watching TV and then want to go to sleep, you have to take them off before going to bed. Or, if you’re working on your laptop and want to stop and sleep, you have to put them on first and then take them off before going to bed.

How to Use Blue Light Glasses

Wear them 24/7 – Blue light glasses are designed to be worn 24/7. Ideally you should put them on when you’re going to sleep so that the light from your devices is reduced or eliminated while you sleep. Use a special app – Blue light glasses work best when you wear them without any lenses. That is, they work best when you wear them while looking directly at a computer, TV or other source of light. Wear SPF sunscreen – As with most types of sun protection, you should always wear sunscreen when you wear blue light glasses. They are not safe to wear when you’re outside in the sun. Limit your screen time – Blue light glasses won’t protect you from the sun but they can make your eyes feel dry and uncomfortable if you pile up too much screen time. Try to keep your screen time to a minimum while you’re wearing blue light glasses.

Pros of Blue Light Glasses

Improved vision – Blue light glasses improve your vision and make it easier to see details such as faces, signs and other people’s hands in close proximity to you. Better sleep – Blue light glasses can help you sleep better by causing your eyes to wake up less often. Decreased eye disease risk – Blue light glasses can reduce the risk of developing eye disease by preventing the build-up of bacteria in your eyes. More alertness – People who wear blue light glasses have been shown to be more alert and focused than those who don’t. Dry eyes – One of the side effects of blue light glasses is dry eyes. This is because the blue light from your devices is emitted through your eyes and nose so it can’t get to your tears. So, if you’re not careful, you can tip your eye socket into the dryness desert! Decreased nightswim – One of the side effects of blue light glasses is a reduced ability to swim at night. This is because you’re less likely to want to put these glasses on when you’re in the water.

Cons of Blue Light Glasses

Heavy headachyness – People who’ve stopped wearing blue light glasses report that they feel as if they’ve been “sucked dry.” This can be due to low levels of sleep, stress or other reasons. Stress induced hyperacusis – One of the side effects of blue light glasses is the development of aural stress. This is the unwanted loudness in your ears from wearing the glasses. Too little sleep – The blue light glasses can cause you to sleep less because they don’t let you get enough sleep. Too little exercise – It’s unclear why but some studies have found that blue light glasses have less effect on people who exercise regularly. Too much caffeine – It’s unclear why but some people have a reaction to caffeine even when they’re not drinking.

Bottom Line

If you’re experiencing any of the above symptoms, it’s worth consulting a doctor to rule out any medical conditions. But first you should test the limits of your blue light glasses to make sure they work as intended. If they do, you can simply keep them on while you sleep and enjoy better vision, better sleep and less eye disease thanks to blue light glasses!