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Simple Ways to Find the Best Freelance Job

One of the best ways to find freelance work is to specialize in a particular field. Many freelancers use platforms like Freelancer to post their jobs. These platforms have a bidding system and a large bulletin board where freelancers can post their offers. Many listings include a detailed job research paper, as well as a…


Learn About Being a Medical Assistant in 2024

What Does a Medical Assistant Do? – Being a medical assistant is both challenging and rewarding. They are the backbone of the healthcare system, and they play a critical role in patient care. Medical assistants have many duties, including: scheduling appointments, taking vital signs, drawing blood, assisting with procedures and injections, recording data accurately and…

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Asset Protection Specialist: What Is It? and How to Become One?

Asset Protection Specialists – If you are like most people, you probably think of assets as things like property, stocks, and money. But assets can also be things like creativity, reputation, or ideas. And if your assets are at risk, you may want to consider becoming an asset protection specialist. An asset protection specialist is…

The Average Automotive Technician Salary: What You Need to Know

Automotive Technicians are in high demand throughout the United States.  Automotive Technician is the only career that all states require students to obtain a degree for. Their Salary are in high demand in all types of industries, but are particularly in high demand in the auto industry. Automotive Technicians are responsible for troubleshooting and repairing…

Retracing Bolide: The Cosmic Event That Changed Earth

The Retracing Bolide Set is ideal for characters who can maintain their shields or for team compositions where shields are always active. This set boosts the Shield Strength of the character, and increases their DMG when a shield active. Intro This overview will go over what makes the Shield Surge Set unique and what makes…


Top 25 Biotech Companies in Florida

Florida is a great place for biotechnology research and development. Florida’s government, universities, hospitals, and companies have made it possible for the biotech industry to thrive in this state. With low corporate tax rates and high-quality labor force, Florida is one of the top places you should consider if you are looking to venture into…

Green Diesel Engineering: The Best Company for Your Project

Green Diesel Engineering, LLC (GDE), of Commerce Township, Michigan, has settled its case with the California Air Resources Board (CARB) for emission violations. GDE advertised, sold, and offered for sale ECUs without proper exemptions to California Section 1: Settles Emission Violation Case On July 3, 2018, GDE settled the case for $520,000. GDE has also…