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How to Become a Trader if You Are not Planning to Be a Full-Time Trader in 2024

Part-time trading is a wise choice for people who must go to educational institutions or work. Moreover, choosing to trade from home allows for extra cash that might be sufficient for basic needs. Sure, that is not a load of gold, but an additional $20–$100 per week will not hurt. The trading activity is notorious…


A Copywriter Job Description: What do they do?

Copywriter Job Description – If you’re looking for a career where you write great copy, then you might want to consider becoming a copywriter. You should be: Eager to learn anything new; Able to work independently and with others; Have excellent written and verbal communication skills. Copywriting is a profession that can require an individual…


System Administrator Salaries in the United States

System Administrator Salary – In the United States, system administrators are some of the most highly-paid professionals. With a median salary of $85,000, system administrators make a lot of money. However, not all system administrators are made from scratch. Many system administrators start their careers as interns or as part of a team. So how…

Smoke Jumpers: The Most Dangerous Job in America

Smokejumpers are skydiving firefighters. When lightning (or a careless camper) sparks a wildfire in a remote, roadless place, smokejumpers parachute in as the first line of defense to fight the fire. A smokejumper is a firefighter who parachutes into remote areas to fight forest fires. We explore the heroism and camaraderie of fighting deadly blazes…