Boarding Schools in New Jersey – Boarding schools in New Jersey offer a wide variety of benefits to students. These schools provide students with an excellent education, as well as a fun and enriching experience. They also offer a sense of community and belonging that may be hard to find in a traditional classroom setting. The best boarding schools in New Jersey can help you prepare for college, develop independence, and thrive.

Best Boarding Schools in New Jersey in USA

Imagine going to a school where you have access to a world-class education, every imaginable extracurricular activity, and the opportunity to develop lasting friendships.
Boarding schools in New Jersey offer these opportunities and more. They can provide a safe, supportive environment where your child can thrive. No matter what your child’s interests are, there is a boarding school near you that will help them unleash their full potential. Find out more about the benefits of attending boarding school in NJ by reading below.

What is the Purpose of Boarding Schools?

Sending your child to a boarding school can be a huge decision and should be taken carefully. In recent times, the debate that whether a day school is better or a boarding school is old fashion.

Most parents have obviously realized the importance of boarding schools in providing high-quality education and overall development in the personality of their children.

In many ways than one, there are reasons why parents and guardians send their wards to boarding schools. The first reason is that discipline in boarding schools is undoubtedly better than in public schools.

This point is unarguable.

Another obvious reason why parents send their wards to boarding schools is to awaken a sense of responsibility in their ward. This will help them in their academics and in every other aspect of their lives.

Boarders learn to be quite independent and resourceful at a very tender age.

Furthermore, boarding schools provide very cozy environments for students to learn amidst like-minds. Some boarding schools offer skill acquisition programs that help the students to learn, grow, and become resourceful and productive adults.

Many students enroll in boarding schools because their parents are working outside of their home country. So, by attending boarding schools, the safety and security of the wards are certain.

In the same vein, most parents send their wards to boarding schools because of the superior education they will receive.

Are Boarding Schools Better Than Day Schools?

One can’t say for sure which of boarding or day school is better. The truth remains that each of these schools have their own benefits and dis-benefits.

But so many schools of thought have deduced that boarding schools are way better than day schools. You can find some of the reasons why boarding school is believed to be better than day schools here.

Benefits of Boarding Schools Over Day Schools

  • Boarding schools help to inculcate discipline and a sense of personal responsibility into the child.
  • Boarding schools provide very cozy environments for students to acquire extra-curricular skills.
  • Attending boarding schools guarantee the safety and security of wards whose parents are not close.
  • In the same vein, most parents send their wards to boarding schools because of the superior education they receive.

What Age Can a Child Go to Boarding School?

According to developmental Psychologists, the best age for a child to attend a boarding school is from ages 12 to 18. It is believed that between this age bracket students can be able to understand their parents’ plans for them positively without any hard feelings.

What is the Average Cost of a Boarding School in New Jersey?

Depending on their quality of education and the quality of their facilities, the cost of attending boarding schools differ. The typical boarding school education ranges from $10,000 to $45,000.

The average cost of boarding schools in New Jersey is about $17,000. Tuition is $7,081.

What are the Best Boarding Schools in New Jersey?

There are about 7 boarding schools in New Jersey and in this section, we are going to take some time to compare them to find what makes each one unique.

Here below is a list of the best prep schools in New Jersey. Do follow closely.

  • Blair Academy
  • The Lawrenceville School
  • The Hun School of Princeton
  • The Pennington School
  • Purnell School
  • The American Boychoir School
  • The Peddie School

Our Ranking Factor

We have a particular ranking criterion for rating our best schools. For this particular article, we’ll be ranking these best based on their cost of attendance, Number of Programs, Total enrollment, and Student-Teacher Ratio.

1Blair Academy

Cost: $49,500
Total Number of Students: 447
Average Class Size: 11
Student-Teacher Ratio:

Blair Academy is the best prep boarding schools in New Jersey. The school offers college preparatory programs.

Blair Academy as one of the best boarding schools in NJ is committed to helping its students develop the leadership skills necessary for success in college and beyond.

At Blair, students are taught to balance their academic work with extensive opportunities to develop in drama, music ensembles, competitive athletics, and numerous extracurricular activities.

Students can find find some curricular offerings such as Asian Studies, Architecture, Roman History, Economics, Video Production, Chinese and Marine Science.

Blair believes that physical education is beneficial and important; as a result, all students participate in a program of athletics or supervised recreational sports, canvas, dance, music, theater, film, graphic design, and ceramics.

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2. The Lawrenceville School

Cost: $53,320
Total Number of Students: 809
Average Class Size: 12
Student-Teacher Ratio:

The Lawrenceville School is a coeducational private boarding traditional school for students in grades 9 through 12. The school has been enlisted as one of the best boarding schools in New Jersey.

The general objective of Lawrenceville School is to inspire and educate outstanding students and prepare them for responsible leadership and resourceful engagement in the world.

Students are connected to mentors who guide them through developing a strong passion for learning.

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3. The Hun School of Princeton

Cost: $48,550
Total Number of Students: 607
Average Class Size: 14
Student-Teacher Ratio:

Another New Jersey boarding school is the Hun School of Princeton.

The Hun School of Princeton is a coeducational private boarding traditional school for students in grades 6 through 12.

The school is made up of competent and caring administrators. They offer programs and curricular activities that enhance the students’ experiences and helps them improve their talents.

Hun School offer several programs which include Computer Science, English, English as a Second Language, Fine Arts, Foreign Language, Health, History, Mathematics. They also offer Advanced Placement Courses.

There are two Academic buildings that contain thirty-two classrooms, six science laboratories, three computer centers, a photography darkroom, an art studio.

The Hun has stood the test of time as one of New Jersey boarding schools. The school ahs well equipped facilities: There are two boys’ dorms and one girls’ dorm. Each dorm has lounges equipped with televisions and cooking facilities.

Meals are usually qite sumptuos and students eat in a centrally located dining hall.

The school has a nurse who is in charge of the campus clinic.

Furthermore, the Student Activities Center houses a snack bar, a game room, and the bookstore.

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4. The Pennington School

Cost: $46,100
Total Number of Students: 485
Average Class Size: 13
Student-Teacher Ratio:

Another top prep school in New Jersey is Pennington School. The school is a coeducational private Methodist boarding traditional school for students in grades 6 through 12.

It currently has an enrollment of 485 students.

The curriculum is college preparatory, with an emphasis on fostering the development of the whole student through academics, athletics, community service, and the creative and performing arts.

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5. Purnell School

Cost: $52,550
Total Number of Students: 89
Average Class Size: 10
Student-Teacher Ratio:

Purnell School is one of the best prep schools in New Jersey. It is an all-female private boarding traditional school for students in grades 9 through 12. The school makes the list of the best boarding prep schools in New Jersey.

Purnell School’s mission is to educate young women in grades nine through twelve within a creative, reflective, and supportive classroom and boarding community.

The instructional methods used at the school allow students to discover their own learning styles and also allows them to become proactive in their learning process.

Students at Purnell are supportedby the award-winning Affinities Program, which is a four-year curriculum for developing students’ strength.

Purnell school offer seven boarding programs and as well as five day.

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6. The American Boychoir School

Cost: $30,035
Total Number of Students: 50
Average Class Size:
Student-Teacher Ratio:

The American Boychoir School is an all-male private boarding special program emphasis school for students in grades 4 through 8. It is one of the best prep schools in New Jersey.

The school is committed to being the finest choir of its kind in the nation and among the finest in the world.

Generally, they wish to achieve this by recruiting and training talented choristers from across the country.

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7. The Peddie School

Cost: $47,500
Total Number of Students: 559
Average Class Size: 12
Student-Teacher Ratio:7: 1

The Peddie School is a coeducational private boarding traditional school for students in grades 9 through 12.

Peddie has been listed as one of the top boarding high schools in NJ.

The ultimate goal of the school is to provide students with rigorous preparation for college and to inspire them to strive for the highest quality of citizenship.