Best Workout Split For Women:

There are several ways to divide your weekly training. The most common workout splits are whole body, upper body/lower body, push/pull/legs, four-day training split, and five-day training split.

Which of these suits you best is determined by a number of factors, including your training history, potential injuries, personal goals and motivational status, available time, and rest/recovery requirements.

As a general rule, one or two exercises per muscle group should be performed two to three times per week. However, this is heavily dependent on the type of split you select. keep reading to learn the best workout split for women.

What Is Workout Split?

A workout split is how you divide your weekly workouts by body region, movement, specific body part, or lift. This divide-and-conquer approach to exercise allows bodybuilders and general gym goers to concentrate their efforts in a way that maximizes results.

Instead of hoping for bigger muscles or more strength, you can ensure it by following a tried-and-true plan. Workout splits enable you to work smarter as well as harder.

Do you know what you’re going to do when you walk into a gym, or do you just go to the first empty station and start pumping out reps? We hope it’s the former for your sake.

Whether your goal is to gain muscle and lose fat, to become stronger, or to become more athletic, you must understand what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. Choosing the right workout split is also an important step in creating a well-thought-out training plan.

Benefits of workout split for women

Workout split allows for a more intense workout of a body area, followed by additional days of recovery before working out that area again. If you only have an hour to exercise each day, a split routine allows you to target one or two muscle groups intensively each day with more sets and heavier weights.

Working a muscle group to exhaustion promotes muscle repair and growth. This level of training intensity may result in better muscle building results.

Split training allows you to adhere to the American Council on Sports Medicine (ACSM) Guidelines, which state that you should wait at least 48 hours between resistance training exercise sessions for a major muscle group.

The drawbacks of workout split for women

Full-body workouts are recommended by the American Council on Exercise (ACE) for people with limited time and for beginners, who usually begin with a full-body workout routine to learn proper exercise technique and build overall strength and fitness.

It is critical not to skip any workouts when using a split routine because they each have a different focus. Allowing too much time between muscle group workouts hinders progress toward your goal.

Now that you are aware of the drawbacks and benefit involving workout split, then let’s dive in the best out of many workout split for women.

Best workout split for women

The following are the best workout split for women who are willing and working hard to stay fit:

1. Upper and lower body workouts

Upper and lower body workouts

Upper and lower body workouts are separated in this split. You work the chest, shoulders, back, biceps, and triceps on upper body day. The hip flexors, glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calf muscles are targeted on lower body day.

Each type of workout is done twice a week. This split could mean doing upper body on Mondays and Thursdays and lower body on Tuesdays and Fridays. Then you plan a day of rest in between.

2. Full-body workouts

Full-body workouts

Full-body workouts make a lot of sense for women’s specific weight training. For example, when compared to their male counterparts, women appear to recover faster. Some of this can be attributed to their relative intensity levels, natural muscle distribution, good mobility, and hormone profile.

All of this, and, let’s be honest, women are tougher than men. Reason number two, and a byproduct of reason number one, increased training frequency results in improved muscle tone, strength, and leaner physiques.

3. Push-Pull Split

Push-Pull Split

‘Push movements are basically any exercise that involves moving a weight or load away from your body,’ Vincent explains. ‘A push workout is something that includes these types of movements, such as throwing and jumping.’

They can include both your lower and upper bodies and can form either a gym workout or a home workout, depending on the exercises you choose and the equipment you require.

4. Push-Pull Leg Split

Push-Pull Leg Split

The “push” workout targets all of the upper body pushing muscles, including the chest, shoulders, and triceps. The “pull” workout targets all of the upper body pulling muscles, such as the back and biceps.

And the “legs” workout works the entire lower body, including the quads, hamstrings, calves, and abs. These three workouts are then alternated over as many weekly training sessions as you desire.

So, if you can only make it to the gym three days a week, you would simply do each workout once a week on its own set day, such as Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. However, this is not the best way to go because it means that each body part is only trained once per week, which is not optimal for muscle growth (though it is fine for a maintenance program).

A better approach would be to train four days per week, alternating workouts between the four sessions. It makes no difference which days you choose as long as you never do more than two in a row.

Another method is the rotating five-day cycle, in which each workout is completed over the course of five days. So you’d train 2 on, 1 off, 1 on, 1 off, and then repeat.

This is most likely the best way to go because it means that each body part is trained once every 5 days – which is about ideal for the more experienced trainee. However, because your training days are constantly changing, you’ll need a fairly flexible schedule to make this work.

5. Bro/Classic Bodybuilding Split

A bro split is simply a training split in which a trainee focuses on one or two muscle groups per day. Bro splits plans on you training 5 or 6 days per week to hit every muscle every week because you only train a couple of muscles each day. Without a doubt, the goal of every bro split that has ever been written is muscle hypertrophy.

The bro split is one of the oldest and most popular splits in history. Even today, if you walked into a random gym and asked what type of plan people were following, the vast majority would likely say, “I’m doing a bro split, bro.” There’s a good reason for this.

As previously stated, the bro split has been around since the golden age of bodybuilding. And it’s the one thing everyone knows about the gym. Its popularity is so ingrained in modern culture that most people believe this is how you should train in the gym.

For example, in the MTV hit “Jersey Shore,” a group of bros were seen doing bro splits at the gym. They had decent physiques, so someone watching TV sees this and assumes this is what you do.