10 Tips To Help You Sleep Better

It’s no secret that getting enough quality sleep is difficult even for the most well-adjusted of people. It’s also something that many people struggle with, whether they realize it or not.
Sleep deprivation is a common side effect of chronic stress, a lack of sleep can make you less alert and may even cause you to have trouble relaxing at night time. Overworking yourself during the day and not getting proper rest are other reasons why you may be struggling to get an adequate amount of Zzz’s.
If you experience any of the following symptoms, it might be worth paying closer attention to your sleeping habits:

What’s the secret to sleeping better?

A lot of people think that a healthy diet, plenty of exercise and getting plenty of sleep are the best ways to get a good night’s rest. But there’s another way too: learn from a master of sleep like Dr.dhgatey.com’s own Sleep Doctor, Dr. Dharani Dhanoa.
In this blog post, you can learn about how he got started as a medical doctor and what advice he has for anyone looking to improve their sleep quality. You can also view his videos and listen to his audio book on how to achieve a better night’s rest. Sleep is an important issue for everyone, whether you have insomnia or not. In this blog post, we’ll go over some useful tips on how to improve your sleep so you can enjoy a better quality of life.

How To Sleep Better: 10 Tips From A Master of Sleep

10 Tips To Help You Sleep Better - Best School News

The hours you sleep are as important as how much you sleep. The quality of your sleep is directly associated with your health and productivity the following day. If you’re looking to improve your quality of life, improve your energy, and feel more refreshed in the morning, then sleeping better might be something that would benefit you. Fortunately for us, there are many resources available to help us achieve this. Here are some helpful tips from a master of slee…Gone are the days when we just kidded ourselves that we could fall asleep any old time. These days, a lack of discipline and a lack of routine have forced us to adopt new habits so that we don’t end up sleeping through our alarm clock or getting caught in an endless cycle of insomnia. Read on to learn more about how to improve your sleep so that you can feel younger and stay productive all day long!

1. Play Games Before bed

There are many health benefits to scoring a few hours of shut-eye before bedtime. One of the most significant benefits is that it helps you relax, which can help you fall asleep more quickly and deeply. Also, playing fun, cognitive tasks like brain training games before bed can help you stay alert during the day. There are many great brain training games available for Android and iOS devices. Some of my personal favorites include:

2. Set Your Bedtime Routine

Spend a few minutes setting your routine before bedtime. This will help you get oriented, and will also help you stay on track so that you don’t miss out on any of the benefits because of forgetfulness. You can also set a timer for this purpose. Make sure you pair it with a relaxing activity so that you’re less likely to get sidetracked while doing it.

3. Avoid Weary Habits

If you usually fall asleep between the hours of 10:30 and 11:00, it is likely that you are burning the candle at both ends. That is, you are either too exhausted or have too little sleep to be effective the next day. The average consumer sleeps between 6 and 7 hours per day, with most people getting an average of 7 hours. However, some people can sleep up to 9 hours, while others need as little as 5 hours of shut-eye. If you’re not getting the amount of sleep you think you should be, it’s worth checking out a bedside alarm to see if it’s making a difference.

4. Meditate Or Do Yoga

Both meditation and yoga have been proven to improve sleep, probably because they involve so much deep breathing. Some people find that by gently breathing out while they sit in silence, they can fall asleep faster. If you’re not the type to sit quietly in silence while thinking, you can also try meditating while you watch TV or play some games.

5. Try A New Food Or Drink

We all have those foods that we eat for snacking or to help us sleep, but do you know which ones are actually harmful when consumed in large amounts? Caffeinated drinks, sugary foods, and snacks can all have a negative impact on your sleep. When it comes to sleep, remember not to over think it. You don’t need to be logical or conscious about it to reap the health benefits.

6. Turn off The Tv Or Light

The bright lights from a TV or light from a smartphone are actually disruptive to your sleep. This is because the lights are stimulating your eyes, which can cause you to stay awake later than you would have if you’d simply turned off the lights. The best time to sleep is in the evening, before the lights from a TV or light from a smartphone are a concern. If you absolutely must stay up late, try to sleep on a comfortable piece of furniture instead of the bed. This will allow you to move more effectively while you sleep, and will also help you avoid being woken up by the sudden brightness of a light.

7. Try Esthetic Treatments

There are a number of ways to combat insomnia, including using other esthetic treatments such as serums, moisturizers, or even masks. These treatments have been shown to improve sleep, but you can also try investing in a good night’s sleep mask or invest in a fancy bedding set.

8. Turn off the Computer

A big screen and a computer are like a match made in heaven. However, when it comes to sleep, the computer is actually a metabolic bomb, putting out light and energy that is directly harmful to your sleep. No amount of light or electronic stimulation on a computer is worth the potential negative impact on your sleep.

9. Get a good night’s sleep

The best way to get a good night’s sleep is to schedule a regular bedtime. It is important to allow yourself at least two hours of sleep, and ideally three. Beyond that, you’re probably just going to feel groggy and tired the next day.

10. Don’t eat too much before bed

Not only are you likely to overeat before bed, but you may also be keeping yourself from getting a good night’s sleep by not allowing yourself enough time for relaxation and sleep. It is recommended that we relax for at least five minutes before we sleep, so make sure you are giving yourself time to unwind before you sleep.


Sleeping is a fundamental activity for health and well-being. It is also a critical process that regulates many physiological functions, including growth, development, metabolism, mood, and energy production. Unfortunately, many people forget about the importance of sleeping and become exhausted and irritable during the day as a result. If you’re experiencing insomnia, it’s worth looking into the available resources and ways to improve your sleep.

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